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Rock Shield Management Consultancy LLC is the sole owner of all Website Information. The Website Information refers, relates, or pertains to our mediation services to provide advisory services on financial products and management advisory services that are intended for persons/entities who understand the risks associated with those products and services.
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Rock Shield Management Consultancy is a limited liability Company that advises corporations on availability of managerial & financial solutions to assist them in their financial planning for business growth. Our role is to mediate and advise on fair trade basis between different parties to formulate suitable managerial & financial solutions to serve our clients.
Rock Shield can offer among its advisory services solutions proposals for financial products to exclusive individuals / entities that would request such products and services on their own accord. In the event that clients request advisory on financial solutions, Rock Shield strongly recommends that all such individuals or entities review such products and services that are on offer or mediated by Rock Shield with their own independent professional financial, legal, accounting, and business advisors prior to participating in any transactions. Rock Shield is not and strictly will not offer or provide any financial, legal, accounting, and/or business advice in connection with such financial transactions or any other matters.
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